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"I can't say that I'm wanting in natural feeling, your Ladyship," returned Fid, endeavouring to manifest his admiration of the sex, by the awkward bow he made to the governess as its representative, "tho'f crosses and mishaps have come athwart me as well as better men.

Guinea score a foul anchor, in your own fashion, on a half dozen of the shot; and, after the matter is all over, they who live through it may go aboard the enemy, and see in what manner Richard Fid has planted his seed." "You are not new in action, master Fid?" "Lord bless your Honour! gunpowder is no more than dry tobacco in my nostrils! tho'f I will say" "You were going to add"

"I believe he has made many voyages; and I dare say has long since paid the proper tribute to your Majesty." "Well, well; the thing is like enough, tho'f I will say I have known scholars make better use of their time, if he has been so long on the water as you pretend. How is it with these ladies?"

One day, walking solitary in the lanes, she met that sturdy farmer to whose daughter she had in former days been so serviceable. "God bless 'ee, Miss Mary," said he he always did bid God bless her when he saw her. "And, Miss Mary, to say my mind out freely, thee be quite gude enough for un, quite gude enough; so thee be'st tho'f he were ten squoires."

You have kept them ever since they came home; and, for anything I see to the contrary, may keep them a month longer; are you obliged to give her meat, tho'f she was never so handsome? But I don't see she is so much handsomer than other people. If people were to be kept for their beauty, she would scarce fare better than her neighbours, I believe.

Sprott, with a respectful salutation, "there's a great kettle at my house the Casino which wants soldering: can you recommend me a tinker?" "Why, that's all in my line," said Sprott; "and there ben't a tinker in the county that I vould recommend like myself, tho'f I say it." "You jest, good sir," said the doctor, smiling pleasantly.