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Looking out at the landscape, I was conscious again, of a blurring sort of 'flitter, that came either from the light of the ponderous-swinging sun-stream, or was the result of the incredibly rapid changes of the earth's surface.

The fiery, gloomy curtain of flame that hung quaking overhead, and down away into the Southern sky, began to thin and contract; and, in it, as one sees the fast vibrations of a jarred harp-string, I saw once more the sun-stream quivering, giddily, North and South. Slowly, the likeness to a sheet of fire, disappeared, and I saw, plainly, the slowing beat of the sun-stream.

The only apparent movement was the North and South beat of the sun-stream, that had become so swift now, as to be better described as a quiver. As I peered out, there came to me a sudden, inconsequent memory of that last journey among the Outer worlds.

The lateral quiver of the sun-stream, had grown so swift as to cause the dancing semi-circle of flame to merge into, and disappear in, a sheet of fire that covered half the Southern sky from East to West. From the sky, I glanced down to the gardens. They were just a blur of a palish, dirty green.

The sky was now grown very much darker, and there was in the blue of it a heavy gloom, as though a vast blackness peered through it upon the earth. Yet, there was in it, also, a strange and awful clearness, and emptiness. Periodically, I had glimpses of a ghostly track of fire that swayed thin and darkly toward the sun-stream; vanished and reappeared. It was the scarcely visible moon-stream.

The memory passed, along with a, but partially comprehended, suggestion that I had been permitted a glimpse into further time spaces. I stared out again, seemingly, at the quake of the sun-stream. The speed seemed to increase, even as I looked. Several lifetimes came and went, as I watched. Suddenly, it struck me, with a sort of grotesque seriousness, that I was still alive.