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"I think strawberries-and-cream the most popular of all food," said Madame Phoebus, as some touched her beautiful lips. "Yes; and one is not ashamed of eating it," said Theodora. Soon there was that stir which precedes the breaking up of an assembly. Mrs. Giles and some others had to return to town.

The multitudinous jabber was suddenly interrupted by the sound of scampering feet accompanied by merry shrieks. A young girl burst from the vestibule door, closely followed by three young men. She was about eighteen years old, well fed, of a ravishing strawberries-and-cream complexion, her low-cut evening gown leaving her plump arms and a good deal of her bust exposed.

Then she pressed her lips to Theodora's forehead, and said, "Adieu, my best beloved; the spring will return." The princess had disappeared, and Madame Phoebus came up to say good-night to her hostess. "It is such a delicious night," said Theodora, "that I have ordered our strawberries-and-cream on the terrace. You must not go." And so she invited them all to the terrace.

Among those mythological subjects in which Rubens delighted, the best here are his Perseus and Andromeda, where the young hero comes gloriously in a brand-new suit of Milanese armor, while the lovely princess, in a costume that never grows old-fashioned, consisting of sunshine and golden hair, awaits him and deliverance in beautiful resignation; a Judgment of Paris, the Three Graces, both prodigies of his strawberries-and-cream color; and a curious suckling of Hercules, which is the prototype or adumbration of the ecstatic vision of St.