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"Well, we must take our chance of him going for a walk, I suppose." They reached Stourwich soon after midday, and Glover, keeping a wary look out for Wilson, proceeded slowly to the quay with his friend, leaving the latter to walk down and discover the schooner while he went and hired a first-floor room at the "Royal Porpoise," a little bow-windowed tavern facing the harbor.

"If I can't find him, nobody else shall, and I want you to help me." "Go down to Stourwich, tie him up in a sack, and drown him, I suppose," said Tillotson, trying to live up to a reputation several lady friends had bestowed upon him of being sarcastic. "Can you get away to-morrow?" demanded Glover impatiently.

The shadow, choosing the road because it was quicker, now danced back to Stourwich, and jumping lightly on to the schooner, came behind the cook and thumped him heavily on the back. Before the cook could seize him he had passed on to Sam, and embracing as much of that gentleman's waist as possible, vainly besought him to dance.

"Of course not," said Glover. "You see, it won't do to be seen in this thing myself. What I want you to do is to come down with me to Stourwich and bring the old man to London; then I can find him at my own time, in the street or anywhere, quite haphazard like." "I don't quite see how it is to be done," said Tillotson.

"Schooner Seamew down in the harbor," said Henry, indicating the distant town of Stourwich with a wave of his hand. "Ay, ay," said the old man, and smoked in silence. "Got to stay here for a few days," said Henry, watching him out of the tail of his eye; "then back." "London?" suggested the other. "Northfleet," said Henry carelessly, "that's where we came from."

They passed the breakwater and dropped anchor in the harbor of Stourwich just as the rising sun was glowing red on the steeple of the town church.

From Ironbridge, two days later, they sailed with a general cargo for Stourwich, the Seamew picking her way carefully down the river by moonlight, followed at an ever-increasing distance by a cork fender of abandoned aspect. A great change had come over Henry, and an attitude of proud reserve had taken the place of the careless banter with which he usually regaled the crew.