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Updated: January 10, 2025
"We uns have ter have ther pintin' er half er ther new officers in ther city. We uns war ter be giv'n these big-bug niggers' houses, churches an' so on. Niggers places in ther sto'es an' every whar was ter be giv' ter we uns. Now, drot my hides, ef these things air takin' shape zactly ter suit we uns. Now, we want satisfaction."
Their victims were the whipping-post and the thumbscrews. Tom returned to say: "Dem done to'e up de cote-house and de Jedge's house, an' now dem goin' Bay Street too tear up de sto'es." Gilbert came up from the fort telling what he had seen. The blacks had tried to scale the ramparts, on one another's shoulders, howling for freedom and defying the garrison to fire.
Miss Barb," whispered Johanna, "but dis-yeh town is change'! New hotel! brick! th'ee sto'ies high!" Barbara touched her for silence. "But look at de new sto'es!" murmured the girl. Negroes the men in dirty dusters, the women in smart calicoes, girls in dowdy muslins and boy's hats and mountain whites, coatless men, shoeless women hung about the counters dawdling away their small change.
His villages are boun' han' an' foot to cotton fahmin' an' can't bring forth the higher industries; but now, without concealin' anything fum him or anybody of co'se we don't want to do that if we can get enough of his best village residenters fum Leggettstown an' Libbetyville to come up an' take lan' in Widewood faw we can give it to 'em an' gain by it, you know; an' a site or two faw a church aw school why, then, you know, when capitalists come up an' look at ow minin' lan's why, first thing you know, we'll have mines an' mills an' sto'es ev'y which away!"
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