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He could turn his hand to anything, and attempt anything that was to be done by skillful handicraft; and whether he could use his wits well in shaping men, let Spenersberg answer.

Leonhard Marten, I believe," said Mr. Albert Spener with a little exaggeration of his natural stiffness. Perhaps he did not suspect that all the morning he had been manifesting considerable loftiness toward Loretz, and that he spoke in a way that made Leonhard feel that his departure from Spenersberg would probably take place within something less than twenty-four hours.

Even here, at this Spenersberg, was Frederick Loretz with reason deemed one of the most fortunate of the men gathered in the happy valley asking himself, as he walked homeward from the factory, "What is the use?" When he spied his wife on the piazza he seemed to doubt for a second whether he should go backward or forward.

Utterly unnerved by his doubts, he slunk from the car like an escaping convict, and looked toward the narrow moonlit valley which was as a gate leading into this unknown Spenersberg. The path looked obscure and inviting, and so, without exchanging a word with any one, he walked forward, a more pitiable object than is pleasant to consider, for he was no coward and no fool.

"Come with me," he said, "and I'll show you a building-site or two worth putting money on;" and so they walked together out of the factory, crossed a rustic foot-bridge to the opposite side, ascended a sunny half-cleared slope and passed across a field; and there beneath them, far below, rolled the grand river which had among its notable ports this little Spenersberg.

We ought to have such a Home in Spenersberg. I have been thinking all day it is what we must have, and it is time we set about it." "I do not agree with you," was the quiet answer. "There is no real need for it here, and perhaps there never will be. Work that is so unnecessary might better be avoided.

He walked away after an instant's hesitation: indeed there was nothing further to be said, and she did well to go. Going homeward by a path which led along the hillside above the village street, he must pass the small house separated from all others the house which was the appointed resting-place of all who lived in Spenersberg to die there known as the Corpse-house.

He had been sitting under the trees half an hour listening to the singing, and, full of enthusiasm, now presented himself before Mr. Loretz, exclaiming, "Do tell me, sir, what singers are these?" Mr. Loretz knew every man in Spenersberg. He looked at the stranger, and answered dryly, "Very tolerable singers." "I should think so! I never heard anything so glorious. I am a stranger here, sir.

Fall in! or, Out of the way! were the commands laid down by him since the foundations of Spenersberg were laid.

During the first year of co-working Loretz devoted himself to the culture of the willow, and then, as time passed on and hands were needed, he brought one family after another to the place Moravians all until now there were at least five hundred inhabitants in Spenersberg, a large factory and a church, whereof Spener himself was a member "in good and regular standing."