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There was a special cell, off the official study, with high windows, bolts and bars, and a wooden bench, for the temporary housing of such desperate criminals as might be brought to the judgment of Rupert Landale, Esquire, J.P. There he now disposed of the young offender who snivelled piteously once more; and having locked the door and pocketed the key, returned to his capacious arm-chair, where, as the twilight waned over the land, he fell to co-ordinating his scheme and gloating upon this unexpected turn of Fortune's wheel.

But what I object to in these classical chaps," he resumed, "is the way they sneaked and snivelled about women's faults, as if they had none of their own! and then their mean trick of going back upon the women, and reproaching them with their misfortunes." "What do you mean by that?" his grandfather asked. "Well, sir, I suppose you would call old age a misfortune to a pretty woman?"

Bones took the other's hand, snivelled a bit despite his fierce effort of restraint, and went aboard the Zaire. "Tell all men," said B'chumbiri, addressing his impassive relatives, "that I go to a great day and to many strange lands." He was tall and knobby-kneed, spoke with a squeak at the end of his deeper sentences, and about his tired eyes he had made a red circle with camwood.

"That's it," snivelled, old Mr Cripps, who had entered during this last speech; "that's it, Benny, my boy, honest Partisans, that's what we is, who knows what it are to be in want of a shillin' to buy a clo' or two for the little childer." What particular little "childer" Mr Cripps senior and his son were specially interested in no one knew, for neither of them was blessed with any.

"Is he, my joker?" said that identical individual, whose approach was unnoticed by either of us, catching his slanderer a crack on the head which sent him spinning. "There, take that in proof of your statement! If I'm a bully, Mr Andrews, I must act as such, or you'll call me a liar next!" "I was only joking," snivelled Dick, picking himself up and rubbing his cheek ruefully.