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The Chief went authoritatively to the owner of Sid's Steak Joint. He paid the bill, talking. The owner of the place negligently jerked his thumb toward the rear. This was not an unparalleled request for the use of a storeroom so that two men could batter each other undisturbed.

Following Sid's pointing finger, Astro and Kit turned toward an exhaust tube that had been ripped in half by the explosion. The Martian spaceman's body floated next to it, limp and broken. Astro shuddered. If Sticoon was dead, then there was little hope for Tom. The big Venusian fought back tears.

"My dear uncle, don't tantalize me so: pray tell it me; it shall be a secret." "No, boy, no: it will corrupt thee; besides, it will do poor Sid's memory no good. But, 'sdeath, it was a most wonderfully shrewd saying, i' faith, it was. But, zounds, Morton, I forgot to tell you that I have had a letter from the Abbe to-day." "Ha! and when does he return?"

For Shultz's declaration meant that the guerrilla warfare was in full swing again. Sid's muscles stiffened and his back began to ache. Silvey owned a discolored spot over one eye where an opponent had tried to disable him during a tense moment of the game. John's shin was badly bruised, and Perry Alford had wrenched his ankle. The other members had minor hurts.

They had not forgotten the Fourth, and they wanted to believe something bad of Tim. Another point for discussion came up at once, and Charlie suggested it. "How shall we get the dipper away from Tim?" he asked. "I move the president go," said Wort. "I thecond the mothion," cried Pip. "Aint you good," was Sid's scornful notice of the intended honor.