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He has addressed himself to the right class of men all over the country, winning them to his sound and enlightened views, giving them courage, consolidating them against the self-interested advocates of State sovereignty.

On his greatest occasions, however, he can evidently rid himself of this fault." During Lord Lytton's Indian career, those who were on political or self-interested grounds opposed to his policy and there were many such were wont, as recorded by his daughter, to attempt to discredit the statesman by reiterating that he was a poet.

So that the alliance which they had contracted by Pompey's marriage to Julia, was from the first only an artful expedient; and her charms were to form a self-interested compact, instead of being the pledge of a sincere friendship.

But she put that self-interested phase of it aside and asked herself candidly if she could go back and take up the old threads where they had been broken off and make life run smoothly along the old, quiet channels? She was as sure as she was sure of the breath she drew that Fyfe wanted her, that he longed for and would welcome her.

There was such a crowd of people coming, going, waiting, looking for friends, and arranging dresses that she felt that she could slip into this self-interested throng, and be lost from observation altogether. She began to be forgetful of herself.

The kings of the Norman race, and the independent nobles, who followed their example in all acts of tyranny, maintained against this devoted people a persecution of a more regular, calculated, and self-interested kind.

If he was willing to accuse the earl before he had received these assurances, it is inconceivable that he should have any scruple about doing it when they turned out to have been delusive, and when his mind must have been exasperated by the reflection that Sunderland's perfidious promises and self-interested suggestions had deterred him from the only probable means of saving his life.

In justice to his Most Christian Majesty, it must be admitted that although self-interested considerations had no doubt a large part in his decision, other and worthier views influenced him. perhaps even more strongly.

The cruel injury and loss preparing for thousands of innocent persons through the self-interested plotting of a few men, was almost incalculable, and his blood burned with passionate indignation as he realized on what a verge of misery, bloodshed, disaster and crime the unthinking people of the country stood, pushed to the very edge of a fall by the shameless and unscrupulous designs of a few financiers, playing their gambling game with the public confidence, and cheating nations as callously as they would have cheated their partners at cards.