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Yellowplush upon some of the segregated passages are amusing enough. Take the following, for example: Girl, beware! The love that trifles round the charm it gilds, Oft ruins while it shines. Igsplane this, men and angles! I've tried every way; backards, forards, and all sorts of trancepositions: The love that ruins round the charm it shines Gilds while it trifles oft, or

Latimer, "the negro is ignorant, poor, and clannish, let us remember that in part of our land it was once a crime to teach him to read. If he is poor, for ages he was forced to bend to unrequited toil. If he is clannish, society has segregated him to himself." "And even," said Robert, "has given him a negro pew in your churches and a negro seat at your communion table."

With the more intimate knowledge of each other which intercommunication between nations makes general, each little segregated mass of human beings must sooner or later arrive at the conclusion that we are very much alike and that to "get together" on any proposition involving the welfare of all humanity is a much less costly and a far more satisfactory way of settling matters than by going to war over it.

They were lost to all sense of humanity for the one segregated being by whose immolation the safety of the aggregate might be effected. "Have pity! have pity!" cried the poor girl. "Do you not hear my mother calling me? Think of your own children, and hinder me not, I implore ye!" "We think of our children, and therefore you shall not go! You shall sacrifice yourself for the suffering many!"

In these widely separated localities are to be found fissure, segregated, and gash veins, and a great diversity of ores, which have been derived, sometimes from the adjacent rocks as in the segregated veins of the Alleghany belt and the gash veins of the Mississippi region and in other cases where they are contained in true fissure veins from a foreign source, but all deposited without the aid of superficial igneous rocks, either as contributors of matter or force.

Indians, who have made East Africa, who out-number the English, are deprived practically of the right of representation on the Council. They are to be segregated in parts not habitable by the English. They are to have neither the political nor the material comfort. They are to become 'Pariahs' in a country made by their own labour, wealth and intelligence.

The very existence of a segregated district under police regulation means, of course, that the existing law must be nullified or at least rendered totally inoperative. When police regulation takes the place of law enforcement a species of municipal blackmail inevitably becomes intrenched.

Women and children were to assemble on the boat deck by the boat to which they were assigned. After they had been lowered to the water, the men who, meanwhile, were to be segregated on the deck below them would descend by rope ladders. Entrance to a boat was by ticket only. The tickets were six inches square and bore a number. If you lost your ticket you lost your life.

The New England clergy had no sentimental affectation of sanctity that segregated them from wholesome human relations; and consequently our good Doctor had always resolved, in a grave and thoughtful spirit, at a suitable time in his worldly affairs, to choose unto himself a helpmeet.

Dogs, full-kin to wolves, bristled up to Smoke to endure the menace of the short club he carried and to whiff the odor of this newcomer whom they must accept by virtue of the club. Segregated in the heart of the camp, Smoke came upon what was evidently Snass's fire. Though temporary in every detail, it was solidly constructed and was on a large scale.