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Scrapper's slightly raised cap seemed all black, but if Peter could have gotten close enough, he would have found that hidden in it was a patch of orange-red. While Peter sat staring up at him Scrapper suddenly darted out into the air, and his bill snapped in quite the same way Chebec's did when he caught a fly. But it wasn't a fly that Scrapper had. It was a bee.

There is nothing so dead as a dissecting-room 'subject'; and the contemplation of the human body in the process of being quietly taken to pieces being resolved into its structural units like a worn-out clock or an old engine in the scrapper's yard is certainly not conducive to a vivid realization of the doctrine of the resurrection."

He knew that he couldn't have seen it had it been only one fourth that distance away. But if he couldn't see the fly he could hear the sharp click of Scrapper's bill, and he knew by the way Scrapper kept opening and shutting his mouth after his return that he had caught that fly and it had tasted good. "Are you going to build in the Old Orchard this year?" asked Peter.

"That's shore likely. He said he had no money, no friends. An' if a scrapper's all you're lookin' for he'll do," replied Ladd, with a dry chuckle. "Mrs. B. will throw some broncho capers round this ranch when she hears I'm going to hire a stranger." "Why?" "Well, there's Nell And you said this Gale was a young American. My wife will be scared to death for fear Nell will fall in love with him."