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And, as chance would have it, there sat just opposite us at table d'hôte at the Schweitzerhof 'tis a fad of Amelia's to dine at table d'hôte; she says she can't bear to be boxed up all day in private rooms with "too much family" a sinister-looking man with dark hair and eyes, conspicuous by his bushy overhanging eyebrows.

The seven-thirty table d'hôte at the great Schweitzerhof furnished a mighty array and variety of nationalities, but it offered a better opportunity to observe costumes than people, for the multitude sat at immensely long tables, and therefore the faces were mainly seen in perspective; but the breakfasts were served at small round tables, and then if one had the fortune to get a table in the midst of the assemblage he could have as many faces to study as he could desire.

It was in the act of doing so on one occasion that her attention was drawn to two men who sauntered across the avenue from the approach to the Schweitzerhof. She stopped still in her tracks, petrified by amazement and alarm, if we may anticipate the sensation by a second or two. One of the men was Leslie Wrandall, the other her own father!

There were difficulties at the outset, because we had not ordered rooms at the hotels beforehand, and it was well on in the season; but they were overcome at last by the usual application of a golden key; and we found ourselves in due time pleasantly quartered in Lucerne, at that most comfortable of European hostelries, the Schweitzerhof.

I ain't any more afraid of French than a tramp's afraid of pie; I can rattle off my little J'AI, TU AS, IL A, and the rest of it, just as easy as a-b-c. I get along pretty well in Paris, or anywhere where they speak French. What hotel are you stopping at?" "The Schweitzerhof." "No! is that so? I never see you in the big reception-room.

I know considerable French I get along pretty well in Paris, or anywhere where they speak French. What hotel are you stopping at?" "Schweitzerhof." "No! is that so? I never see you in the reception-room. I go to the reception-room a good deal of the time, because there's so many Americans there. I make lots of acquaintances.