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How could he ever win a battle who could never look straight forward at the battle-field, but would squint sideways to see what faces Napoleon would make, and whether he would not frown at the audacity of the Prussians, who dare try to defeat the great Napoleon? We need a man with a direct look one who fixes both his eyes on the object. We do not want any schielwippen!

They may all go to the mischief, for one never knows what they are about! I repeat, we need a man with a straight look!" "What is that? schielwippen?" inquired the emperor, smiling. "I thought I had learned the German language pretty thoroughly from my mother and my wife, both of whom have the honor of being natives of Germany, but I have never heard this word from them.

Pray, sire, tell me what it means." "I must confess that I do not understand it either," said the king, shrugging his shoulders. "General Scharnhorst!" cried the emperor. "Pray can you tell us what schielwippen means?" "Sire," said Scharnhorst, laughing, "it is a slang term for a man who squints. General Blucher likes to use the language of the people."

"We are highly elated to-day, because we are at length to take up arms against our foe," he said; "we are overjoyed because we are to take our revenge. And suppose every thing should again turn out wrong; suppose the cowards and the schielwippen should, after all, remain at the helm? Great Heaven! the very idea maddens me! For I know them! I know that they will ruin every thing.