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"Here are your spuds," announced Corporal Sandercock, "with the Commandin' Officer's compliments." He paused, seemingly in wrestle with an inward reluctance. He plunged his right hand into his breeches pocket.

You've defied the law long enough, Master Stephen; you've brought me far; and, if you've ever heard the name of William Sandercock, you know he's one to stand no nonsense." "I never heard tell of you," said Roger, appearing to search his memory; "but speaking off-hand and at first sight, I should say you was either half-drunk or tolerably unlucky in your face."

" When I tell you," Mr Latter pursued, flourishing his auger and rapping it on the flat of his palm, "that one o' these soldiers a Corporal too, and named Sandercock was talkin' in my bar not two hours ago, an' says he, 'You've a man called Nanjivell lives here by the bridge. 'Ay, says I. 'Bit of an eccentric? says he. 'How? says I. 'The way he drops his gold about, says the Corporal.

Corporal Sandercock stood up and picked up a crumb or two of tobacco from the creases of his tunic. "I'll go fetch a fatigue party to harvest these spuds o' yours," said he. "There'll be compensation for disturbance. If you like, you can come along an' bargain it out wi' the O.C." "No," said Nicky-Nan, snatching at this happy chance. "I'm a lame one, as you see.