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"Whoop!" shouted Cole, standing up, and waving his hat. "That's the stuff! Whoop! Hurrah!" There was instant excitement in the hall. Everyone seemed to be talking at once. The boys of the town were standing together, cheering for Herbert. Mayor Appelby was vainly rapping for order. At last Mr. Sagger made his voice heard above the others.

"Give it to him, Jack!" "Show him what you can do!" "Keep off," came from Joe. "If you don't, you'll get hurt!" "Hear dat now! Jack, pitch in, quick, before anybody comes!" Thus urged Jack Sagger struck out once more, landing on Joe's chest. Then our hero drew back and sent in a blow with all his force. It took the other boy squarely on the chin and sent him staggering against a friend.

And presently one of the Hercules's picked him up, and held him for a moment within the portal of the torrid kiln, and he gazed at the high curved walls, like the walls of a gigantic tomb, and at the yellow saggers that held the ware. Now he knew what a sagger was.

In some manner it leaked out among the boys that Joe was going to the wedding, and two days before the affair came off Jack Sagger learned of it. He immediately consulted with some of his cronies, and it was unanimously resolved to watch for Joe after the wedding was over and chastise him severely for the manner in which he had treated "the gang." "We'll fix him," said Sagger, suggestively.

There was considerable talk in Lakeville the day following the fire in the butcher shop. Most of it was done by Mr. Sagger himself, and the burden of his cry was that the town must have a regular department, with a big engine.

If ever there was a surprised boy that boy was Jack Sagger. He had expected that to "polish off" Joe would be easy and he had not anticipated such a defense as had been made. He righted himself and gazed stupidly at our hero. "Wot did yer hit me fer?" he gasped. "You keep off or I'll hit you again," answered Joe. There was a pause and Sagger sprang forward, trying to catch Joe around the arms.

"Ain't you going to do it alone?" queried Nick Sammel, in wonder, not unmingled with a suspicion that Joe would not be as easy to handle as anticipated. "I I've got a a heartburn," came lamely from Sagger. "It come on me all at onct. If it wasn't fer that I'd do him up all alone." "You're a fraud, and you haven't any heart-burn!" cried Joe. "You're afraid, that's all.