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"She's certainly vain," said Del. "Losing him would all but kill her." "Not if it's done tactfully," replied Madelene. "Ross'll no doubt be glad to sacrifice his own vanity and so arrange matters that she'll be able to say and feel that she got rid of him, not he of her. Of course that means a large sacrifice of his vanity and of yours, too. But neither of you will mind that."

You've only been engaged six months and it looks as if it might be some years before Ross'll be able to marry. He's got an awful load for a boy to carry alone." "I should say he had!" Diantha burst forth. "Five helpless women! or three women, and two girls. Though Cora's as old as I was when I began to teach. And not one of 'em will lift a finger to earn her own living."

I shall miss you Diantha!" "Don't, Mother!" sobbed the girl. "Its natural for the young to go. We expect it in time. But you are so young yet and well, I had hoped the teaching would satisfy you till Ross was ready." Diantha sat up straight. "Mother! can't you see Ross'll never be ready! Look at that family! And the way they live! And those mortgages!

"Not without warrant from Higley, and Higley is out of town. Ross'll have to hold 'em till Higley gets back, or else take 'em over to Chauvenet," Lize snorted. "Old Higley! Yes, he's been known to disappear before when there was some real work to be done."