United States or Nicaragua ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

It is true, there was a tacit understanding among us that the Centipedes were to stand by one another on all occasions, though I don't remember that they did; but further than this we had no purpose, unless it was to accomplish as a body the same amount of mischief which we were sure to do as individuals. To mystify the staid and slow-going Rivermouthians was our frequent pleasure.

The sunshine moved slowly up Anchor Street, fingered noiselessly the well-kept brass knockers on either side, and drained the heeltaps of dew which had been left from the revels of the fairies overnight in the cups of the morning-glories. Not a soul was stirring yet in this part of the town, though the Rivermouthians are such early birds that not a worm may be said to escape them.

Moreover, war in itself, excepting as a defensive measure or on a point of honor, seemed rather poor business to the thrifty Rivermouthians. They were wholly of the opinion of Birdofredom Sawin, that "Nimepunce a day fer killin' folks comes kind o' low fer murder."

The normally quiet and unfrequented street leading down to the boat- landing was presently thronged by Rivermouthians men, women, and children. The arrival of a United States vessel always stirred an emotion in the town.

The sunshine moved slowly up Anchor Street, fingered noiselessly the well-kept brass knockers on either side, and drained the heeltaps of dew which had been left from the revels of the fairies overnight in the cups of the morning-glories. Not a soul was stirring yet in this part of the town, though the Rivermouthians are such early birds that not a worm may be said to escape them.

Suspicion at length grew weary of lighting on the wrong person, and as conjecture like the physicians in the epitaph was in vain, the Rivermouthians gave up the idea of finding out who had astonished them. They never did find out, and never will, unless they read this veracious history.

A suspicion that they had been sold gradually dawned on the Rivermouthians. Many were exceedingly indignant, and declared that no penalty was severe enough for those concerned in such a prank; others and these were the very people who had been terrified nearly out of their wits had the assurance to laugh, saying that they knew all along it was only a trick.

But by degrees the situation brightened, recruits began to come in, and finally the town and the outlying districts chiefly the outlying districts managed to furnish a company for the State regiment. One or two prominent citizens had been lured by commissions as officers; but neither of the two Rivermouthians who went in as privates was of the slightest civic importance.