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This fire, however, was vigorously returned for a time, but yielding at last to superior numbers, who had greatly the advantage, the whole party was compelled to surrender. The success with which Mosby carried on his operations made him a sort of terror to our pickets, while it attracted to him from all quarters of Rebeldom a larger and more enthusiastic command.

The cavalry at length succeeded in reaching our lines by making a circuit farther south, and many of the negroes also succeeded in escaping from rebeldom. The Shenandoah Valley Hunter's advance to Lynchburgh The retreat Rebels advance into Maryland Battle of Monocacy Sixth corps goes to Washington Battle of Fort Stevens.

The desolation of that region was just beginning. A Promise Fulfilled. Capture of a Rebel Camp and Train. Rebel Sympathizers in St. Louis. General Halleck and his Policy. Refugees from Rebeldom. Story of the Sufferings of a Union Family. Chivalry in the Nineteenth Century. The Army of the Southwest in Motion. Gun-Boats and Transports. Capture of Fort Henry. The Effect in St. Louis.

His offense must surely have been commerce, active and profitable, with Rebeldom, for he never can have sympathized with any living thing. One more picture, to close the list. I ought to know that figure, long and lanky, but sinewy withal, though the head, under the fur cap, is averted still. Mock me not, for otherwhere, than along the greenwood fair, Have I ridden fast with thee.

The Union soldiers who are stationed within its limits are as orderly as if they were in New York or Boston.... One effect of the march of General Sherman through Georgia has been to satisfy the people that their credulity has been imposed upon by the lying assertions of the rebel Government, affirming the inability of the United States Government to withstand the armies of rebeldom.

President Lincoln's Proclamation of emancipation throughout rebeldom, and the recent order to enlist the slaves throughout the Border States in military service to the Government, emancipating all thus enlisted, whether slaves of loyal or disloyal masters, with the certainty that there is to be no cessation to the grand achievements of our arms short of the completest success, all conspire to assure us that the dreadful disorder hitherto consuming our national vitals is to pass finally away in the convulsive disease of its last throes, so distressing to us all.

When the North becomes as deeply and generally enlisted in the war as the South, and feel it to be a struggle for existence as keenly as they do, no man here will dare to express sentiments favoring the people or institutions of Rebeldom.

As the day broke, the forward train moved off; in a few minutes more we followed, and reached Paris by seven o'clock, A.M., December 18, 1861. Thus began and ended my railroad-engineering in Rebeldom. At Paris they found a professional runner, and I resumed my uniform, very thankful to get out of the profession so creditably.

I parted with them without a sigh, and have never to this day had a desire to renew their acquaintance. I then applied for a twenty day's leave and wrote a long letter home, giving a brief synopsis of my experience in the prisons of rebeldom for the last ten months.

I have forgotten the old gentleman's name who so greatly befriended me by giving me such a liberal supply of money which, although worthless to him, served to supply myself and a number of my comrades, with the best the Confederacy afforded, for the balance of our stay in rebeldom. Our stay in Richmond was of short duration, but we left it without regret.