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I walked up to them and accused Rataziaev of breaking faith. I said that he had played the traitor. But he only replied that I had been the betrayer in the case, by indulging in various amours. "You have kept them very dark though, Mr. Lovelace!" said he and now I am known everywhere by this name of "Lovelace."

Yes, we will live twice as happily and comfortably as of old. Also, we will exchange books. . . . Angel of my heart, a great change has taken place in my fortunes a change very much for the better. My landlady has become more accommodating; Theresa has recovered her senses; even Phaldoni springs to do my bidding. Likewise, I have made my peace with Rataziaev.

Ah, but you should read him sympathetically, and, best of all, at a time when you are feeling happy and contented and pleasantly disposed for instance, when you have a bonbon or two in your mouth. Yes, that is the way to read Rataziaev. It is chiefly for his own sake that he writes, and he is to be approved for so doing. Now goodbye, dearest. More I cannot write, for I must hurry away to business.

I sleep like a fool, though I would far rather be occupied with something else say, with eating or writing, since the one is useful to oneself, and the other is beneficial to one's fellows. You should see how much money these fellows contrive to save! How much, for instance, does not Rataziaev lay by? A few days' writing, I am told, can earn him as much as three hundred roubles!

It connotes at once passion, expression, fine criticism, good learning, and a document. Yes, I have learned this from Rataziaev himself. In a case like that a man regrets that, as the proverb has it, he should have reached man's estate but not man's understanding. . . . What do I do in my spare time?