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J. Flanagan, C. C. The laity included P. Fay, T. Quirke, etc., etc. Talking about violent exercise, says Alf, were you at that Keogh-Bennett match? No, says Joe. I heard So and So made a cool hundred quid over it, says Alf. Who? Blazes? says Joe. And says Bloom: What I meant about tennis, for example, is the agility and training the eye. Ay, Blazes, says Alf.

A farmer named William Quirke offered £590, which was accepted, and the money paid. After this, the two cousins came forward and said they would purchase the tenant-right, offering £40 more than Quirke had paid. This was on the 13th of the present month of April. On the 14th, Mr. James Cooke, Lord Devon's bailiff, was seen showing the purchaser Quirke over the newly-acquired holding.

The only ornament was a tin breastplate on the lid and the inscription in black letters: Martin Quirke, Died November 3, 1900. The white coffin on the pile of golden earth was like the altar of some pagan god. I stood apart as the priest, vesting himself in a black stole, approached the graveside and began the recital of the burial service in Latin.

Martin lost his spirit and his heart. Drink it was that got him in the end, and now " "Requiem æternam dona eis, Domine: et lux perpetua luceat eis," the priest's voice said. "All the same," said the official, "It was men like Martin Quirke who broke the back of landlordism. He was strong and he was weak. God rest him!"

Limerick, arose from a tenant-right transaction, William Quirke having bid £590 for the tenant-right of forty-nine acres formerly held by J. Dore who was selling, as against £400 bid by Dore's cousin. Quirke and three of his family were therefore shot in the legs, by way of impressing the advisability of joining in the Onward march to Freedom.

His spirit is not anxious to take unto itself the wings of a dove, that it may fly away and be at rest. Like the dying Methodist, whose preacher reminded him of the beauties of Paradise, he likes "about here pretty well." Mr. Heard, Divisional Commissioner in charge of the constabulary organisation of the Counties of Cork, Limerick, and Kerry can get nothing out of William Quirke.

About the time of conception, the early part of December, 1870, the father had suffered from the semiconfluent type, but the mother, who had been vaccinated when a girl, had never been stricken either during or after her husband's sickness. Quirke relates a peculiar instance of a child born at midnight, whose mother was covered with the eruption eight hours after delivery.