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"From this fact have I confidence, that I have received his vows and when the gentle breeze blows which comes from the sweet country where he is whom I desire, readily do I turn my face thither: then I think I feel him beneath my grey mantle." The idea in the second stanza quoted is borrowed from Bernard de Ventadour Quant la douss' aura venta Deves vostre païs.

His treatment of it is not without a certain poetic merit. Theophilus has been deprived by his bishop of a lucrative office. In his despair he meets with Saladin, qui parloit au deable quant il voloit. Saladin tempts him to deny God and devote himself to the Devil, who, in return, will give him back all his old prosperity and more.

Sulph. . . . . . . . . . . . grs. xvi. Aqua Destill. . . . . . . . . . . . ounce j Elix. Vitrioli. . . . . . . . . . . quant. suff. Mr. Edgerton has used 18 grains of morphia per diem. His equivalent in Magendie's Solution will be 9 fluid drachms. This amount I divide into three equal doses one to be administered after each meal.

De tout ceci il résulte, quant au mérite de la collection Française de Bruxelles, qu'elle ne doit guère offrir que des manuscrits modernes.

"Ah, quant

This is Turgot's opinion on the controversy (Letter to Caillard, Oeuv., ii. 827): "Tous avez donc vu Jean-Jacques; la musique est un excellent passe-port auprès de lui. Quant

But, he says, the occupants were obliged to fetch fresh water from either bank. Had the cistern and the powder-magazine been bomb-proof, and drink as well as meat stored quant. suff., the fort would have been 'in a manner impregnable, if well defended by a suitable garrison. The latter in his day consisted of sixty to seventy whites, besides 'Gromettoes, free black sepoys.



In 1585 Guarini, who had long since parted with the sinking ship of the younger poet's friendship, was ready to flatter Speroni with the declaration 'che tanto di leggiadria è sempre paruto a me, che abbia nell' Aminta suo conseguito Torquato Tasso, quant' egli imitatore della Canace .