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Propino tibi salutem, Doctor doctissime, reverendissime, et sanctissime; nec non omnibus amicis hic congregatis!" The priest's eye, during this speech, twinkled with humor; he saw clearly that Denis thoroughly understood the raillery of his toast, and that the compliment was well repaid.

In the twenty-eighth, however, and in the "Sigh," and that composed at Clevedon, things that come from the heart direct, not by the medium of the fancy, I would not suggest an alteration. When my blank verse is finished, or any long fancy poem, "propino tibi alterandum, cut-up-andum, abridgeandum," just what you will with, it: but spare my ewe-lambs! That to "Mrs.

Propino tibi, again and do not fear that ever revelation of mine shall facilitate any catastrophe that may await you." Hycy looked keenly into the schoolmaster's face as he uttered the last observation; but in the maudlin and collapsed features then before him he could read nothing that intimated the sagacity of a double meaning.

Hycy propino tibi, I say; and you are right, ille ego it's a a fact; I am the man, sir I acknowledge the charge." This admission having been made, we need scarcely add that an explanation was at at once given by Finigan of the motive which had induced him to write the letter. "On laving the kemp," said he, "and getting into the open air sub diu, Mr.

"That is all very well; but you need not deny that you wrote me the letter. Let me ask you seriously, what was it you warned me against?" "Propino tibi salulem here's to you. No, but let me ask you what you are at, Mr. Hycy? You may have resaved an anonymous letter, but I am ignorant why you should paternize it upon me." "Why, because it has all the marks and tokens of you."