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The Cardinal accepted the conditions. The next day all the literary coxcombs of Rome crowded to the levee of the hypercritical prelate to learn his opinion of the poet, whose style was without precedent. The Cardinal declared, with a justice which posterity has sanctioned, that "Salvator's poetry was full of splendid passages, but that, as a whole, it was unequal."

In the grand nave a painter with his easel was taking a view, as in a public gallery. Then a French seminary went by, conducted by a prelate who named and explained the tombs. But in all that space these fifty or a hundred people looked merely like a few black ants who had lost themselves and were vainly seeking their way.

As a galvanized corpse starts into strange and sudden motion, Rodin sprang into a sitting posture at the last words of the prelate. "He has betrayed himself," said the cardinal, in a low voice, in Italian. Then, resuming his seat, he fixed on the Jesuit his eyes, that sparkled with triumphant joy.

That prelate was on the point, indeed, of complying with their request, and would have done so, but that some members of the Academy explained to him that by so doing he would excite ridicule. Far more effective, and, to say truth, far better judged, was the irony of Voltaire, in his deservedly celebrated 'Letter on the Pretended Comet. It ran as follows: 'Grenoble, May 17, 1773.

Then the glorified prelate Patrick; after that the urgency of his laborious preaching was finished, and the abundance of so many and so great miracles had converted the whole island, blessed and bade farewell to the several bishops and presbyters and other members of the church whom he had ordained: and with certain of his disciples, led by his angelic guide, he sailed toward Rome.

The story is briefly this: A certain prelate, the Primate of England at the time, was asked to admit certain changes in the status of the clergy. The claim was, at the time, a novel one. The Primate of England resisted that claim.

Of all the seven in fact Sancroft was probably the least inclined to resistance, the one prelate to whom the cheers of the great multitude at their acquittal brought least sense of triumph. No sooner indeed was James driven from the throne than the Primate fell back into the servile king-worship of an England that was passing away.

The prelate who presided was the same Archbishop of Aix who had preached the coronation sermon of Louis XVI. It was not easy, however, to procure the attendance of some of the revolutionary generals of the true republican race.

"You consider, then, the situation of the worthy Prelate as being dangerous?" said Quentin, very, anxiously. "Alas! my son," said the good Franciscan, "what or who is there in this weary wilderness, whom we may not hold as in danger? But Heaven forefend I should speak of the reverend Prelate as one whose peril is imminent.

These were the established laws of the church; and where a legate was sent immediately from Rome, he was sure to maintain the papal claims with the utmost rigour: but it was an advantage to the king to have the Archbishop of Canterbury appointed legate, because the connexions of that prelate with the kingdom tended to moderate his measures.