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"Well, Mam' Henry, I may 'a' been mistook, but sho' I took hit fu' Scripter. Mebbe de preachah I hyeahd was jes' inlinin'." "Well, wheddah hit's Scripter er not, dey's one t'ing su'tain, I tell you, dem two is singin' deyse'ves togeddah." "Hit's a fac', an' I believe it." "An' it's a mighty good thing, too. Brothah Gidjon is de nicest house dahky dat I ever hyeahd tell on.

"Hi, oh, Brothah Jim, I's des' in time." Jim sat with his mouth open. "Draw up a cheer, Brothah Pahkah," said Mandy. Her husband rose, and put his hand over the possum. "Wha wha'd you come hyeah fu'?" he asked. "I thought I'd des' come in an' tek a bite wid you." "Ain' gwine tek no bite wid me," said Jim. "Heish," said Mandy, "wha' kin' o' way is dat to talk to de preachah?"

When I save up a little more I'm going to put on the finishing touches and hang out my shingle." "Don't you nevah think no mo' 'bout bein' a preachah, 'Rastus?" his mother asked. "Haw, haw! Preachah? Well, I guess not; no preaching in mine; there's nothing in it.

Preachah Stone said last time he preached fur us thet we sartainly air progressin', an' I'm glad on it, too, though I never hed edvantiges myse'f. When I wuz a little gal down in Car'liny, I went to school long 'nough to l'arn my a-b-c's. Then the redskins broke up the school, an' we didn't hev no more tell I wuz a big gal an' 'shamed to go an' l'arn my a-b abs 'long with the little shavers.

"One ob my prized possessions is Abraham Lincoln's pictures an' I'se gwine to gib it to a culured young man whose done bin so kind to me, when I'se gone. "I'se married heah in Middeport by Preachah Bill, 1873. My husban' wuz Charles Stewart, son of Johnny Stewart.