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"Only for a month," Aggie broke in. "We will leave you enough money to live on; and perhaps when we come back you will have found something to do " "For a month," he said brokenly. "I have no friends, no Miss Tish, no Miss Liz, no Miss Pilk. I die!" He got up and walked to the window. It was Aggie who realized the awful truth.

"Miss Tish!" he said breathlessly. No one answered. We hardly breathed. And then suddenly Aggie sneezed! "Miss Pilk!" he shouted in delight. "My mothers! My so dear friends " The machine jerked, started, moved slowly off. He ran beside it, a hand on the door. Tish bent forward to speak, but Charlie Sands put his hand over her mouth.

Aggie's maid having responded to the bell, Aggie ordered ice cream for Tufik and a chair drawn to the table; but the chair Tufik refused with a little, smiling bow. "It is not right that I sit," he said. "I stand in the presence of my three mothers. But first I forget my gift! For the sadness, Miss Pilk!" He held out the tissue-paper package and Aggie opened it.

"Our people we have but one wife. My first child it is called Tish; my next, Lizzie; and my next, Aggie Pilk. All for my so kind friends. And one I call Charlie Sands; and one shall be Hannah. So that Tufik never forget America."

Wiggins's death, while we were in Berlin, Aggie received a small package forwarded from home. It was a small lace doily, and pinned to it was a card. It read: For the sadness, Miss Pilk! Aggie cried over it. I suppose there is something in all of us that harks back to the soil. When you come to think of it, what are picnics but outcroppings of instinct?

"My friend has said," he observed he was quite calm and divinely trustful "My friend has said that this is for Miss Pilk a sad day. My friend is my mother; I have but her and God. Unless but perhaps I have two new friend also no?" "Of course we are your friends," said Aggie, feeling for the table-bell with her foot. "We are aren't we, Lizzie?" Tufik turned and looked at me wistfully.