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"If it be true," she said, "the end of pain is reached, and he hath won his happiness. Why cometh not my Marco?" A gondola of the Nicolotti detached itself from a group of serenaders just above the palace, was caught for a few moments among the pali before the Ca' Giustiniani, and then floated leisurely down toward the Piazzetta.

The place then opens southward with the name of Piazzetta, between the eastern facade of the Ducal Palace and the classic front of the Libreria Vecchia, and expands and ends at last on the mole, where stand the pillars of St. Mark and St.

Every increase of the beauty of the new palace rendered the discrepancy between it and the companion building more painful; and then began to arise in the minds of all men a vague idea of the necessity of destroying the old palace, and completing the front of the Piazzetta with the same splendor as the Sea Facade.

I must do what I can, by the help of a rough plan and bird's-eye view, to give him the necessary topographical knowledge: Opposite is a rude ground plan of the buildings round St. Mark's Place; and the following references will clearly explain their relative positions: A. St. Mark's Place. B. Piazzetta. P. V. Procuratie Vecchie. P. L. Libreria Vecchia. I. Piazzetta de' Leoni. T. Tower of St. Mark.

We disembarked at the stairs of the piazzetta of S. Mark, and repaired to the Doge's palace, the dwelling of a line of rulers haughtier than kings, and the throne of a republic more oppressive than tyrannies.

They were now approaching the Piazzetta, and Polani shouted out, to various acquaintances he met in passing gondolas, the news that Pisani had gained a great victory, and had captured the Genoese admiral with four of his galleys. The gondolas at once changed their course, and accompanied them, to gather further details of the fight.

At last, on the festive morning, the dwellers on the Grand Canal are drawn to their balconies by the apparition of boat-loads of facchini, gorgeous in scarlet robes, and bearing banners, painted candles, and other movable elements of devotion, with which they pass to the Piazzetta, and thence into St. Mark's.

Kitty and Ashe bade their gondoliers take them to the Piazzetta, and presently they were gliding across waters of flame and silver, where the white front and red campanile of San Giorgio now blazing under the sunset mirrored themselves in the lagoon. The autumn evening was fresh and gay.

So counted, the 1st, the 18th, and the 36th, are the great supports of the angles of the palace; and the first of the fifteenth century series, being, as above stated, the 9th from the sea on the Piazzetta side, is the 26th of the entire series, and will always in future be so numbered, so that all numbers above twenty-six indicate fifteenth century work, and all below it, fourteenth century, with some exceptional cases of restoration.

The square itself was taken up by the booths of hucksters, rope-dancers and astrologers, while promenaders in travesty thronged the arcades, and the ladies of the nobility, in their white masks and black zendaletti, surveyed the scene from the windows of the assembly-rooms in the Procuratie, or, threading the crowd on the arms of their gallants, visited the various peep-shows and flocked about the rhinoceros exhibited in a great canvas tent in the Piazzetta.