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Updated: August 17, 2024
An old man with one eye paraded the streets on an ass with a crow in one hand and a scourge and fan in the other, cooling himself, flogging the bystanders and crying heat! heat! This is the Italian Giorno delle Vecchie, Thursday in Mid Lent, March 12 , celebrating the death of Winter and the birth of Spring.
I must do what I can, by the help of a rough plan and bird's-eye view, to give him the necessary topographical knowledge: Opposite is a rude ground plan of the buildings round St. Mark's Place; and the following references will clearly explain their relative positions: A. St. Mark's Place. B. Piazzetta. P. V. Procuratie Vecchie. P. L. Libreria Vecchia. I. Piazzetta de' Leoni. T. Tower of St. Mark.
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