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Now I reflexes, I heerd Mattie spoony on some father or other, afore. O Lord! I'll get Jim and Jack to help me look out for him. I'm wery peticlar glad as I found you, daddy. I been a lookin' for ye leastways I was a goin' to look for ye this wery moment as you turns up. I chaffed you like a zorologicle monkey yesterday, daddy, an' I'm wery sorry.

Have a shot, now, Shins. James. None o' your imperence, young blackie! 'And me over the money, and I'll give it to the gen'leman. Bill. Do you see anything peticlar green in my eye, Rainbow? JAMES makes a rush. BILL gets down before him. JAMES tumbles over him. BILL blacks his face with his brush. Ha! ha! ha! Bill Shoeblack his mark! Who's blackie now?

Now, boys, dun yo know wheer's a young woman bi th' name ov Mattie somewheer abeawt Paradise Row? First Boy. Yes, old un. Second Boy. Lots on 'em. Third Boy. Which on em' do you want, Mr. Cricket? Fourth Boy. You ain't peticlar, I s'pose, old corner-bones? First Boy. Don't you fret, old stilts. We'll find you a Mattie. There's plenty on 'em all nice gals. Tho. I want mo own Mattie. First Boy.

Chadron cut him off harshly, fairly bristling. "Snake along out of here, and don't let anybody see you. I'll meet you at the hotel in the morning." "Gittin' peticlar of your company, ain't you?" sneered Thorn. "You're not company you're business," Chadron told him, with stern and reproving eyes.