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A long silence during which the uncomfortable Vagen had the consolation of seeing in that haggard, baggy, pasty-white face that his master's thoughts were serving him much worse than mere discomfort. Then Whitney spoke again: "Yes, I'm going to Saint X. I'm going home to " He did not finish; he could not speak the word of finality.

Now, as he rounded the heads of the mules, I straightened up, observing him more closely. He was forty or forty-five, heavily built, with a rather pasty-white face, a large nose, eyes unusually deep set, and a closely clipped mustache beginning to gray.

Hell's popping here you know that better than most people. And I'm up to my neck in it. If I've got to marry you to keep you out of my hair, I will." Her face was pasty-white, but she bent her head, and fluttered her eyelashes up at him. "So romantic," she sighed. "You sweep me off my feet. You Why, you " "Me or Trench!

And now she could see the Pug, with his dirty and discolored celluloid eye-patch, and his ingeniously contorted face; and she could see Pinkie Bonn's pasty-white, drug-stamped countenance. It was not a large room. The two men in the opposite corner along the wall from her were scarcely more than ten feet away.

Rutherford Berry was a slightly-built man with high, narrow shoulders, and a smooth, pasty-white face. He was clerk in a store at the farther end of Greenstream valley, and had flat, fragile wrists and a constant, irritating cough. "H'y, Gord!" he shouted; "your sister wanted to visit with you over night, and see Lettice. We only brought two the oldest and Barnwell K."

They came out of their hiding places little by little as we entered the streets, and stood about in groups staring at us sullenly. They seemed mostly old men and women and children, the younger men having fled with Tao's army. They were heavy-set, pathetic people, with broad, heavy faces, pasty-white skin, and large protruding eyes.

She asked me what had 'shut me up, and I said 'My mother is here go away. She turned quite pasty-white and the candle shook so that the hot grease fell upon my hands." "What a life for a child!" exclaimed Spence in sudden rage. "Desire dear, you must come with me! I couldn't couldn't leave you here. I oh, dash it! I mean, it's so evident, isn't it, that we need each other?"

"Try to imagine the shock: in that wild place that you couldn't find on a map, and more squalid than the most poverty-stricken Malay settlement had a right to be, this European woman coming swishing out of the long grass in a fanciful tea-gown thing, dingy pink satin, with a long train and frayed lace trimmings; her eyes like black coals in a pasty-white face.