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With this art which produced works like Desiderio da Settignano's Carlo Marsuppini and Benedetto da Maiano's Pietro Mellini, is intimately connected the art of the great medallists of the Renaissance Pasti, Guacialotti, Niccolò Fiorentino, and, greatest of all, Pisanello.

And indeed, if we look at the best work of what I may call the wax mould medallists of the fifteenth century, even at the magnificent marble medallions of the laurel-wreathed head of Sigismund Malatesta on the pillars of his church at Rimini, modelled by Pasti, we shall see that these men were preoccupied almost exclusively with the almost pictorial effect of the flesh in its various degrees of boss and of reaction of the light; and that the character, the beauty even, which they attained, is essentially due to a skilful manipulation of texture, and surface, and light one might almost say of colour.

There was a long delay while supper was preparing, and when at length Filomena appeared, it was only to produce, with many excuses, a loaf of vetch-bread, a bit of cheese and some dried quinces. There was nothing else in the house, she declared: not so much as a bit of lard to make soup with, a handful of pasti or a flask of wine.

All along the highway that runs through the town in front of the shops and the inn you see the stalls of the crockery merchants, of the dealers in lace and stuffs, of those who sell macaroni and pasti, and of those who sell mighty umbrellas.

"Have you also a knowledge of the Greek?" "No, I pretend not to Greek." "It is a pity that thou hast it not, for thou wouldst delight to commune with the ancients. Esculapius hath these words 'Asholder offmotton accapon pasti venison, which I will translate for thee 'We often find what we seek, when we least expect it. May it be so with you, my friend.

It is, moreover, a significant fact that while the men who, half a century or so later, made fine, characterless die-stamped medals in imitation of the antique, Caradossi and Benvenuto for instance, were goldsmiths and sculptors, workers with the chisel, artists seeking essentially for abstract elegance of line; the two greatest medallists of the early Renaissance, Vittore Pisano and Matteo di Pasti, were both of them painters; and painters of the Northern Italian school, to whom colour and texture were all important, and linear form a matter of indifference.

"Have you also a knowledge of the Greek?" "No, I pretend not to Greek." "It is a pity that thou hast it not, for thou wouldst delight to commune with the ancients. Aesculapius hath these words `Asholder offmotton accapon pasti venison, which I will translate for thee `We often find what we seek when we least expect it. May it be so with you, my friend.

There remained nothing of it except the efforts of a committee of ladies to raise enough money to enable Signor Puffi to leave town, and the generous attempt of another committee to gather funds in order to keep Signor Pasti in the City.