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That the Russians have reinforced the garrisons of Natshiran and Abbasabad, and have withdrawn all their troops to the left bank of the Araxes, with the exception of those who garrison Bayazid. The plague seems rife at Erivan. The Russians about Count Paskewitz abuse the English very much. June 27.

They deserved their fate. Colonel Macdonald says that General Paskewitz cannot dispose of more than 25,000, or, at most, 30,000 men, although he has a nominal force of 110,000 men under his command. Colonel Macdonald says there has been no serious resistance on the part of the Turks, except at Akhalsik.

The Russians mean to pass the Balkans with 60,000 men and march on Adrianople. They send a large force by sea to Sizeboli to turn Bourgas. August 12. A victory gained by Paskewitz over the Seraskier, whom he has taken prisoner, with thirty-one pieces of cannon, &c., near Erzeroum that is, three days after the battle, Paskewitz, still in pursuit, was within forty miles of Erzeroum.

Paskewitz is said to have from 20,000 to 22,000 men to have sustained no loss in the late engagements, but to suffer from the plague. At Erzeroum the Mahometans are not only satisfied, but well pleased. The Government of a Russian general is better than that of a Turkish Pasha. The Prince Abbas Mirza is at last doing something towards making an army. Major Hart, alone, however, keeps it together.

Upon the whole, I think the aspect of Eastern affairs is better than it has been since we have been a Government. Diebitch is said to have 35,000 men, and a reserve of 40,000. I doubt the reserve being so strong. The 15,000 from Sebastopol have joined. Paskewitz is made Grand Cross of St. George. Diebitch will be so, of course. The King, Peel said, is very blind. He has lost the sight of one eye.

The national enthusiasm and religious feeling of the people seem to be gone. The Sultan is unpopular. The populace of Adrianople desires the advance of the Russians, so scandalous has been the conduct of the Asiatics. The Pacha of Egypt gives no assistance, and thinks the weakness of the Porte constitutes his strength. The people of Trebizond have invited Count Paskewitz.