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Papita, sickened with fear, buried her face in her mother's bosom, weeping hysterically; Sicto, pale and trembling, grasped the window for support. "Ular-Sawa!" A little captive monkey whined pitifully. The massive creature, distracted by the sound, paused, head up, forked tongue darting in and out of the open jaws, for the Regal Python has no ears, but hears with its tongue.

As Papita spoke, the form lying in the bottom of the vinta slowly unfolded like a huge jack-knife. The merry eyes twinkled, the youthful, firm mouth curved at the corners, and Piang, the adventurer, smiled up at the astonished girl. "But yes, Chiquita, did you think that Piang would suffer the outcast Sicto to kidnap his little playmate?" Piang took up the paddle and the vinta shot forward.

"Piang," murmured a soft voice at the charm boy's elbow, and he turned to find the little slave girl, Papita, timidly looking up at him. "Chiquita?" "Sicto goes with you. Beware of him, for he would kill you!" "I am not afraid," proudly answered Piang, "but why would Sicto kill me?" Solemnly the little girl touched Piang's breast where lay hidden the sacred charm.

The outraged bridegroom had returned from his meditations to find himself brideless. "How will they come, Piang?" Papita's voice trembled. "Some by water, some by land. Work, Papita." And so the deadly tropic night closed about them. The little nut-shell sped down the river, past snags, skulking crocodiles, and many unseen dangers.

Some said that he had been killed by a crocodile, others that he had escaped and swum to Basilan; but the tribe had not heard of him since the bichara, and they were relieved to be rid of his bullying presence. Especially the little slave girl, Papita, whom Sicto had annoyed since infancy, was glad that he was gone.

And yet, had she been wearing richest silks and costliest gems, she could not have blushed and smiled with a prettier confusion. "We are expecting Uncle Anselmo this evening, papita," she replied. "Leave the child, Batata," said the mother. "You know what a craze she has for Anselmo: when he comes she is always prepared to receive him like a queen."