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"I shall have to walk home my own poor little self, and 'ask a p'leeceman. Mr. Raeburn!" He disengaged himself from a group behind and came with no alacrity. Betty ran up to him. "Mr. Raeburn! Ermyntrude and Lady Winterbourne are going to sleep here, if you don't mind making arrangements. But I want a hansom."

'Well, what's up? says father. 'My word, governor, you was all in great luck as I come home last night, after bein' away with them cattle to pound. Bobby, he don't know a p'leeceman from a wood-an'-water joey; he'd never have dropped they was comin' here unless they'd pasted up a notice on the door. 'How did you find out, Billy? says father, 'and when'll they be here?

Even a p'leeceman might manage it! The thief has gone an' took up hisself, tried an' condemned hisself without a jury, pronounced sentance on hisself without a judge, an' all but hanged hisself without Jack Ketch, so there's nothin' for you an' me to do but go an' bury our thumpin' sticks, as Red Injins bury the war-hatchet, retire to our wigwams, an' smoke the pipe of peace."

An impatient British Cavalry Band struck up "If you want to know the time, ask a p'leeceman!" and the two umpires in light dust-coats danced out on two little excited ponies. The four players of the Archangels' team followed, and the sight of their beautiful mounts made Shiraz groan again. "Wait till we know," said The Maltese Cat.

"Why, what on earth's the matter, Rafferty?" asked the girl. "I've got the shove, miss," replied Rafferty, "after all me years of service, I'm put out to end me days in a ditch." "You mean you're discharged!" she cried. "Was it Mr. Pinckney?" "That's him," replied Rafferty. "Says he's the masther of us all. 'Out you get, says he, 'or it's I that'll be callin' a p'leeceman to put you, says he.