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Here and there, amid their inextricable confusion, stands, like a chandelier with spreading orange flowers for lights, the fierce Spanish oyster-plant, whose spikes are strong as nails. Above it towers the Illyrian cotton-thistle, whose straight and solitary stalk soars to a height of three to six feet and ends in large pink tufts. Its armour hardly yields before that of the oyster-plant.

Half an hour, Pease, potatoes, asparagus, rice, corn, summer squash, canned tomatoes, macaroni. One hour, New cabbage, shelled and string beans, spinach and greens, cauliflower, oyster-plant, and winter squash. Two hours, Winter carrots, parsnips, turnips, cabbage, and onions. Three to eight hours, Old beets. Bread, large loaves, an hour; small loaves, from half to three-quarters of an hour.

You said you wanted a finger in our horticultural pies, and no doubt had in your mind nothing less plebeian than flower seeds and roses. Will your nose become retrousse if I ask you to aid me in planting parsnips, oyster-plant, carrots, and think of it! onions?" "The idea of my helping you, when the best I can do is to amuse you with my ignorance! But I'll put on no airs.

As long as the ground retains a few remnants of the vernal rains, this rude vegetation does not lack a certain charm, when the pyramids of the oyster-plant and the slender branches of the cotton-thistle rise above the wide carpet formed by the yellow-flowered centaury's saffron heads; but let the droughts of summer come and we see but a desolate waste, which the flame of a match would set ablaze from one end to the other.

Drop in spoonfuls, and fry brown in a little hot butter. Oyster-plant fritters are made in the same way. Scrape, and throw at once into cold water with a little vinegar in it, to keep them from turning black. Cut in small pieces, or boil whole for an hour. Mash fine, and make like parsnip fritters; or drain the pieces dry, and serve with drawn butter.