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The Superior of the College des Oratoires concluded, 'You may, sir, I think, be secure that your son, when capable of making such a reply, is in no great danger of becoming a Catholic from the lectures of such profound teachers as these. This son, having no turn for scholarship, ultimately went to sea, a life which his hardihood and fearlessness of danger peculiarly fitted him for.

Horace Wigan, too, spoke; and Lord Granville, 'whose fluent command of extempore French excited general admiration, gave 'The Health of the Chairman, and, with a neat reference to the 'Letters from High Latitudes, then 14, not 41 years old, said: 'L'accueil que vous avez donne a son discours doit rassurer Lord Dufferin et lui faire meme oublier les succes oratoires que Latiniste incomparable, et voue au purisme Ciceronien il a obtenus dans les regions plus septentrionales. To this chaff Lord Dufferin replied in English: 'Lord Granville has been good enough to allude to what he is pleased to describe as an oratorical triumph in a distant country; and I would venture to remind you and you may take the word of an experienced person in confirmation of what I am about to say that when anybody wishes to make a speech in a foreign language, he will find it much more easy to do so after dinner than at an early hour in the morning.

Protestantism early took root here, the Anabaptist Doctrine especially, and in the present day Montbeliard numbers several Protestant and only one Catholic church; the former belonging severally to the Reformed Church, the Lutheran, Anabaptists, also two or three so-called Oratoires, or Chapels of Ease, built and supported by private individuals.