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"I vos jus' thinking I had better be getting avay, he continued in his hoarse, gutteral voice, 'ven snick.!... I hears a key in the front door. I vos, standing by the staircase... I had no time to get out by the vay I had kom so I vent opstairs to the landing vere there vos a curtain. I shlip behind the curtain and vait!

The Jew resumed, his voice sinking almost to a whisper. "It vos quite dark behind the curtain but from the bathroom, through the open door, I could just see ole Mac standing with his back to me, a-holding the curtain. He must haf shlip in there to watch the other who vos komming opstairs.

Then... then... I hear a step on the stair... a little, soft step... then ole Mac he open the curtain and cry 'Who are you? Bang! the... the... other on the stairs he fire a shot. I see the red flash and I smell the... the powder not? The other, he does not vait... he just go on opstairs and ole Mac is lying there on his back with the blood a-trickling out on the oil-cloth.

The prisoner made a gesture of despair. "It vos so dark, I say! Nothing haf I seen! I haf heard only his step!" "What sort of step? Was it heavy or light or what? Did this person seem in a hurry?" "A little light tread... so! won, two! won, two!, and qvick like 'e think 'e sneak opstairs vithout nobody seeing!" "Did he make much noise"