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"Oh, pshaw, I'm not as much of a billposters as I thought I was. I guess there is more to this game than I had any idea of." "You will learn. You took a pretty big contract when you tried to put up that eight-sheet." "We will let you try a one-sheet on the farther end of the barn. A one-sheet is a small, twenty-eight inch piece of paper, you know." Phil nodded. "I'll try it," he said.

An occasional snow flurry and biting gusts of wind added to the discomfort of the rescue crews, but they remained steadily at work. The Emergency Committee began publication of an official newspaper from the plant of the National Cash Register Company. It was a one-sheet poster designed for free circulation in all accessible parts of the city.

"I guess a one-sheet is about as big a piece of paper as I am fit to handle just yet." He managed the one-sheet without the least trouble, and did a very good job, so much so that Billy complimented him highly. "You will make a billposter yet. One good thing about you is that you are willing to learn, and you are quick to admit that you do not know it all.

"Not as long as there is a spot on earth large enough for a Sparling one-sheet left uncovered." "What will you give what would you give, I mean, to have some banners put on top of the flag pole?" "I would give fifty dollars and think I had got off very cheaply." Teddy waxed thoughtful.