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"If you mean did I love Miss Nuttall," said Jasper Cole, in his quiet, even tone, "I reply that I did." "You even secured the active support of Mr. Minute?" "I never urged the matter with Mr. Minute," said Jasper. "So that if he moved on your behalf he did so without your knowledge?" "Without my pre-knowledge," corrected the witness.

Here they found that the station-master was a nominal Wesleyan, and he most kindly gave them the use of his house for religious services. Still, they were without chaplains, and what, perhaps, was, in their opinion, quite as bad, without hymn-books! Sergeant Oates found the name of the Rev. E. Nuttall, of Capetown, on a piece of dirty old paper in the camp.

Let him do that, and he shall always be made welcome; yes, even though he come in force and in cherry-time. If he were, he would hardly speak so disrespectfully of these batrachians. Mr. C. N. Allen, in Bulletin of the Nuttall Ornithological Club, July, 1881.

The ferryboat bow was drawn under water by the surges and the boat swept clear of three wagons, with the attendant men and their luggage. One man was lost, Lorenzo W. Roundy, believed to have been taken with a cramp. His body never was found. L. John Nuttall and Hamblin swam to safety on the same oar.

She watched him until he disappeared into one of the dark doorways at the farther end of the court, and stood staring at the door as though unable to believe her eyes. There was no mistaking the pale face and the straight figure of Jasper Cole, John Minute's secretary. May Nuttall expressed her perplexity in a letter: DEAR FRANK: Such a remarkable thing happened last night.

Louis, and turned their faces towards the Rocky Mountains and the Pacific. The two naturalists, Mr. Bradbury and Mr. Nuttall, who had joined the expedition at St. Louis, still accompanied it, and pursued their researches on all occasions. Mr. Nuttall seems to have been exclusively devoted to his scientific pursuits.

Again the other favored him with that inscrutable smile of his. "My moral character, I presume, is now being assailed," he said flippantly. "Please go on; you promise to be interesting." "You were in Holland a short time ago. Does Miss Nuttall know this?" Jasper nodded. "She is well aware of the fact." "You were in Holland with a lady," accused Mr. Mann slowly.

In the distance down one of these he espied some slaves at work. Nuttall entered the avenue and advanced upon them. They eyed him dully, as he passed them. Pitt was not of their number, and he dared not ask for him. He continued his search for best part of an hour, up one of those lanes and then down another. Once an overseer challenged him, demanding to know his business.

For some time they kept themselves behind the scenes and many, applying to A.B., and dealing with they did not know whom, paid for promotions which would have come unpaid for; others paid, and were never promoted, and wrote letters of reproach Captain Nuttall was among these, and he it was, who, finding himself duped, first stirred in the business; and by means of an active member of opposition, to whom he made known his secret grievance, brought the whole to light.

"He knew the extent of the fortune which was coming to Miss Nuttall. Mr. Minute made two wills, in both of which he left an identical sum to his ward. The first of these, revoked by the second and containing the same provision, was witnessed by the man in the dock!