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"Oh, I'm not funking not a d d bit, I can assure you." Otway at once poured out a nip of brandy for himself, and clinked his glass against that of the clergyman. "Pon my soul, I couldn't make it out, and I apologise. But a man's nerves go all at once sometimes can't help himself, you know. Mine did once when I was in the nigger-catching business in the Solomon Islands.

Making our way over the piles of rubbish and crowds of children that cumbered the apartment, the Colonel and I then returned to the carriage. 'Dogs must be rare in this region, I remarked, as we resumed our seats. 'Yes, well-trained bloodhounds are scarce every where. That dog is well worth a hundred and fifty dollars. 'The business of nigger-catching, then, is brisk, just now?

"I want to get into Arrecifos Lagoon as quickly as I can, even if we do lose a light spar or two. I'm no navigator, as you know, but I know the Solomons as well as any man, for I've been trading and nigger-catching there for six years at a stretch a long time ago; and out here, where we are, we're safe; there's a clear run of six hundred miles, free of any danger.

He can neither read nor write, and not only that, he is not trained to any useful employment. Sandy, here, who is a fair specimen of the tribe, obtains his living just like an Indian, by hunting, fishing, and stealing, interspersed with nigger-catching. His whole wealth consists of two hounds and their pups; his house even the wooden trough his miserable children eat from belongs to me.

I suppose the firm will be asking us supercargoes to wear uniform and brass buttons soon, like the ticket collector on a penny ferry." "Quite likely, my sulky young friend quite likely, if it will pay us to do so." "Then I'll clear out, and go nigger-catching again in the Solomons.

In those days the nigger-catching fleet from the Hawaiian Islands cruised right away south to palm-clad Arorai, in the Line Islands, and ran the Queensland ships close in the business.

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