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Letter from Lady Ingleby to the Honourable Mrs. Dalmain. The Moorhead Inn, Tregarth, Cornwall. Having been here a week, I think it is time I commenced my first letter to you. How does it feel to be a person considered pre-eminently suitable to minister to a mind diseased?

The hall at the Moorhead Inn seemed very homelike to Jim Airth and Myra, as they stood together looking around it, on their arrival. Jim had set his heart upon bringing his wife there, on the evening of their wedding day.

Yes; he would arrange for the honeymoon in Cornwall; be married in the morning, up in town; no fuss; then go straight down to the old Moorhead Inn. And after dinner, they would sit in the honeysuckle arbour, and Groatley showed him into Myra's sitting-room. She was not there. He walked over to the mantelpiece.

We knew that the Texas UFO's were ducks because our MO file showed that we had an identical report from Moorhead, Minnesota, and the UFO's at Moorhead were ducks.

What occurred the next day between Camp and Johnny Moorhead we never knew, but Johnny played in the game and squared himself." Walter Camp's name is coupled with that of Chummy Eaton in football history. "Eaton was on the left end rush line," says Vernon, "and played a great game with Camp down the side line.

This letter expressing the opinion of Generals Butler, Logan and Garfield was placed in the hands of the President by Chauncey F. Black, who, on the 16th of March, 1868, addressed a letter to him in which he enclosed a copy of the same with the concurrence of Thaddeus Stevens, John A. Bingham, J. G. Blaine, J. K. Moorhead and William H. Koontz.

Cooper, D.D. The Rev. Samuel Mather The Rev. John Moorhead Mr. Hume's assertions with respect to African capacity, we have passed them over in silence, as they have been so admirably refuted by the learned Dr. Beattie, in his Essay on Truth, to which we refer the reader.

The interests of manufactures were not likely to suffer in the hands of a committee in which the first place was held by James K. Moorhead, tanner's apprentice, and pioneer of cotton manufactures in Pennsylvania, and the second by Oakes Ames, a leading manufacturer of Massachusetts.

In the earlier years of the next century her poems found their way into the common school readers. One of those in her representative volume was addressed to Scipio Moorhead, a young Negro of Boston who had shown some talent for painting. Thus even in a dark day there were those who were trying to struggle upward to the light.

Then Jim Airth turned, his face transfigured, the sunlight in his eyes, and opened his arms. "Myra," he said. "We have found the Best." They walked along the shore, and up the steep street of the sleeping village, hand in hand like happy children. Arrived at the Moorhead Inn, they pushed open the garden gate, and stepped noiselessly across the sunlit lawn. The front door was firmly bolted.