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I also remarked, during each of my three visits to Amiens, that there were some extensive gravel-pits, such as those of Montiers and St. Roch, agreeing in their geological character with those of St.

Wait a minute and I'll have a detail put your baggage under cover for the night. Then we'll see about dinner and a billet." Thus auspiciously did the work open in Montiers. In a few minutes they were taken to a French cafe and a comfortable place found for them to spend the night.

Often they would come to the hut and start the singing themselves, which would presently grow into a meeting of evident intention. The Staff-Captain did not long have opportunity to enjoy the new hut which he had labored so hard to finish at Montiers, for soon orders arrived for him to move on to Houdelainecourt to help put up the hut there, and leave Montiers in charge of a Salvation Army Major.

A flint hatchet, of the old Abbeville and Amiens type, was found lately by M. Peigne Delacourt at Precy, near Creil, on the Oise, in gravel, resembling, in its geological position, the lower-level gravels of Montiers, near Amiens, already described. I visited these extensive gravel-pits in 1861, in company with Mr.

Information came on leaving the Gondrecourt Area, that the district would be abandoned to the French, so the wooden hut at Montiers was moved and set up again at Sanzey, which then became the Headquarters of the First Ammunition Train. Huts were established at Menil-la-Tour and other points in the Toul Sector.

Some of these knives were taken from so low a level as to satisfy us that this great bed of gravel at Montiers, as well as that of the contiguous quarries of St. Roch, which seems to be a continuation of the same deposit, may be referred to the human period. Dr. Rigollot had already mentioned flint hatchets as obtained by him from St.

Penultimate molar, lower jaw, right side, one-third of natural size, Newer Pliocene, Saint Prest, near Chartres, and Norwich Crag. Immediately below Amiens, a great mass of stratified gravel, slightly elevated above the alluvial plain of the Somme, is seen at St. Roch, and half a mile farther down the valley at Montiers.

It took days of hard work, and it smoked woefully except when the wind was exactly west, but the girls made fudge enough on it for the entire personnel of the Ammunition train to celebrate when it was finished. When the girls first arrived in Montiers the Salvation Army Staff-Captain was rather at a loss to know what to do with them until the hut was built.

Was it any wonder that homesickness seized hold of every soldier there? It had been raining steadily for thirty-six days, making swamps and pools everywhere. Depression like a great heavy blanket hung over the whole area. The Salvation Army lassies at Montiers were in consultation.

Prestwich; while M. Garnier of Amiens has procured a fine elephant's molar from the same pits, which Dr. Hence I infer that both these animals co-existed with Man. The alluvial formations of Montiers are very instructive in another point of view. This superior deposit is on the same side of the Somme, and about as high, as the lowest part of the celebrated formation of St.