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But less than an hour afterwards, while crossing the Place Mollard, I caught sight of him boarding a South Shore tramcar. "He's going to the Chateau Borel," I thought. After depositing Razumov at the gates of the Chateau Borel, some half a mile or so from the town, the car continued its journey between two straight lines of shady trees.

We went to see a first function at the Elysee some time in February, two Cardinals were to be named and Grevy was to deliver the birettas. Mollard asked to see me one morning, telling me that the two ablegates with their suite had arrived, and wished to pay their respects to me. One of them was Monsignor Cataldi, whom we had known well in Rome when we were living there.

Henrietta and I were very anxious to see the ceremony at the Elysee, and asked Mollard, Introducteur des Ambassadeurs and chef du Protocole a most important man on all official occasions, if he couldn't put us somewhere in a corner, where we could see, without taking any part. W. was of no use to us, as he went officially, in uniform.

However, she was finally prevailed upon to abandon the paternal support, and then Wesdehlen installed her in a small salon where Mollard, Introducteur des Ambassadeurs, took charge of her and introduced a great many men to her. No woman would ask to be introduced to an unmarried woman, and that of course made her position difficult.

The few ladies she had already seen at the Elysee came up to speak to her, but didn't stay near her, so she was really receiving almost alone with Mollard. Grevy was in another room, tres entoure, as he always was. The diplomatic corps did not spare their criticisms. Madame Grevy received every Saturday in the afternoon, and I went often not every time.