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"Ah there, Edwin Booth!" sarcastically yelled an urchin aloft. "Oh, what a funny little man he is!" ironically quoted another from a song in one of Mr. Hoyt's farces, alluding to Mogley's spare if elongated frame. "He t'inks dis is a tragedy," suggested a Bowery youth. But Mogley tried not to heed. In the second act some one threw an apple at him. Mogley laboured zealously.

And at home Mogley's wife was dying holding to life by sheer power of will, that she might rejoice with him over his triumph. Tears blinded his eyes. Even the other members of the company were laughing at his discomfiture. Only a little brunette in pink tights who played Siebel, and whom he had never met before, had a look of sympathy for him. "It's a tough audience.

Called before the curtain four times and had to make a speech!" Mogley's ecstasy was admirably simulated. It was a fine bit of acting. Never before or since did Mogley rise to such a height of dramatic illusion. "Ah, Tom, at last, at last! And, now, I must live till morning, to read about it in the papers!" Mogley's heart fell.

He thought only: "To tell her the truth will kill her at once." Mrs. Mogley was awake and in a fever of anticipation when Mogley entered the little room. She was sitting up in bed, staring at him with shining eyes. "Well, how was it?" she asked, quickly. Mogley's face wore a look of jubilant joy. "Success!" he cried. "Tremendous hit! The house roared!

Like Mogley's style of acting, his coat was old. But, although neither he nor any of his acquaintances suspected it, his heart was young. He still waited and hoped. For Mogley's long professional career had not once been brightened by a distinct success.

It would brighten the next world for me until you come to join me." Mogley's weaker will succumbed to hers. So, with his right hand around Mrs. Mogley's wrist, turning his eyes now and then to the clock in the steeple which was visible through the narrow window, that he might know when to administer her medicine, he held his "part" in his left hand and refreshed his recollection of the lines.