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Reserved about matters personal to himself, he never grew tired of describing his possessions, nor of speculating in regard to their possibilities. If ever a man counted his chickens before the eggs had been placed in the incubator, Jim Misterton was he. Ajax and I listened in silence to these outpourings. Ajax contended perhaps rightly that Misterton's optimism was part of the "cure."

After the fall round-up, Ajax and I spent a month fishing in British Columbia. When we got back to the ranch, one of the first to greet us happened to be Jim Misterton. He looked so pale and thin that I thought for a moment his old enemy had attacked him. However, he assured us that he was perfectly well, but unable to sleep properly.

Misterton," I said slowly, "you are in a tight place, and I won't insult your intelligence by calling it by a prettier name; but you can pull yourself and Jim out of it, and I believe you will." "Thanks," she said soberly. For some weeks after this we saw little of the Mistertons. Then Jim rode down to the ranch with an exciting piece of news. "I've got a pup coming out."

She did not suggest Staffordshire at all, and I was puzzled for a moment to think where I had met her. Her sweetly shaped mouth with the slight obliquity of the lip and the little kink in her brow were extraordinarily familiar to me. But she had either been prepared by Altiora or she remembered my name. "We met," she said, "while my step-father was alive at Misterton.

It presented the usual heart-breaking appearance so familiar to men who have lived in a wild country and witnessed, year after year, the furious struggle between Man and Nature. Misterton had cleared and planted about forty acres, enclosed with a barb-wire fence. Riding along this, we saw that many of his fruit trees had been barked and ruined by jack-rabbits. The month was September.

"But when your lungs went wrong ?" Misterton laughed. "Being a doctor, you see and a devilish clever chap he knew that I'd be as right as rain out here. 'If you want Angela, he said, 'you must go full steam for fresh air and sunshine." Riding home through the cactus and manzanita Ajax said irritably, "Is there any Paradise on earth without a fool in it?" The following spring, Angela came out.