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The sentiments of the empress towards Bismarck have been much misunderstood and misconstrued.

Hope's life, and affords one more letter of great interest, in which Mr. Hope explains his own political views. This I shall give as we proceed. The Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.P. to J. R. Hope, Esq., Q.C. 6 Carlton Gardens: June 22, 1851. My dear Hope, Upon the point most prominently put in your welcome letter I will only say you have not misconstrued me.

Whyland's butler. He knew he could be brusquely haughty toward this menial, but could he be easy and indifferent? Yet was it right to seem coolly callous toward another human creature? But, on the other hand, might not a cheery, informal friendliness, he wondered, as his hand sought the bell-push, be misconstrued, be ridiculed, be resented, be taken advantage of....

She despised him just as the rest of the class did and avoided him whenever she could, but when brought face to face with him she had not the hardihood to refuse his company. That this innocent act should be misconstrued into meaning that she was mixed up in his doings seemed monstrous. Yet Mr. Jackson apparently believed this to be the truth. Things seemed to be closing around her. To Mr.

'Mr Fledgeby, I will not have my words misconstrued. 'Don't break out, Lammle, urged Fledgeby, in a submissive tone, 'because there's no occasion. I only asked a question. Then she don't lay it upon me? To ask another question. 'No, sir. 'Very good, said Fledgeby, plainly seeing that she did. 'My compliments to her. Good-bye! They shook hands, and Lammle strode out pondering.

The real crime of the meddling priest, however, was to have let that troublesome animal out of the bag. He was accordingly waylaid again, and thrown into prison by Count Lalain. While in durance he published an abject apology for his apologue, explaining that his allusions to "returned prodigals," "heretic swine," and to "Sodom and Gomorrah," had been entirely misconstrued.

But being discouraged from a prosecution of his plan, by the unreasonable austerity of some of the Scotch clergy, by whom the most indifferent and innocent words and actions were often misconstrued into levity and misconduct, he resolved to embrace the first favourable opportunity of going abroad, being inflamed with the desire of seeing foreign countries; and actually set out for Holland, where, for the space of two years, he studied the Roman law, with the law of nature and nations, under the famous professors Tolieu and Barbeyrac.

"Yes! something like a death-knell rings in my ears 'more than one have you sent, unhappy, to the grave. Rejected by the one I fancy my own; my very touch, scorned; my motives misconstrued all, perhaps, by a doubt yet hangs between us an abandoned stranger. Duty to my conscience has driven me to acts that have betrayed me to society.

I closely observed what went on around me and was careful to do nothing which could be misconstrued as ignorance. Thrilling with excitement, feeling the mighty significance of my departure, I entered quietly and took my seat, while the train roared on through Mitchell and St. Ansgar, the little towns in which I had played my part as an actor, on into distant climes and marvellous cities.

She saw that he made ingenious excuses for not being seen out with her. This, too, she misconstrued. She did not at all understand that he, in his way, was quite as frightened as she was of what people might say. She believed that he sought the society of others rather than hers. If nothing more came of such intercourse, stories might be told.