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"I sho' will," screamed the gratified Billy, "if Aunt Minerva'll lemme. What make you talk so much like Jimmy?" "Who? that little old Jimmy Garner? I hope I don't talk like that chicken, he's 'bout the measliest boy they is and I like you 'nother sight better 'n him; you're a plumb jim-dandy, Billy," came from the doorway. "So's you," howled back the delighted and flattered Billy.

This hole is 'bout to cut my stomach open." "Hush, Jimmy!" warned the other child. "Don't make so much noise. Aunt Minerva'll hear you." "I want her to hear me," screamed Jimmy. "You'd like me to stay stuck in a chicken hole all night. Oh! oh! oh!" The noise did indeed bring Billy's aunt out on a tour of investigation.

Billy, Jimmy, Frances, and Lina had been playing "Fox and Geese." Running around the house they spied the ladder and saw no owner to deny them. "Le's clam' up and get on top the porch," suggested Jimmy. "Aunt Minerva'll put me to bed if I do," said Billy. "Mother'll make me learn a whole page of the catechism if I climb a ladder," said Lina.

We boun' to get what's coming to us anyway, so you might jus' as well make 'em think you ain't 'fraid of 'em. Grown folks got to all time think little boys and girls 'r' skeered of 'em, anyhow." "Aunt Minerva'll sho' put me to bed this time," said Billy. "Look like ev'y day I gotter go to bed." "Mother will make me study the catechism all day to-morrow," said Lina dismally.