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So great was the popularity and influence which Miltiades had acquired by his victory at Marathon, that this somewhat extraordinary proposition was readily complied with. The fleet was equipped, and crews were provided, and the whole armament was placed under Miltiades's command. The men themselves who were embarked on board of the galleys did not know whither they were going.

State of Athens. The Greek army. Miltiades and his colleagues. Position of the armies. Miltiades's plan of attack. Onset of the Greeks. Rout of the Persians. Results of the battle. Numbers slain. The field of Marathon. The mound. Song of the Greek. In the history of a great military conqueror, there seems to be often some one great battle which in importance and renown eclipses all the rest.

Themistocles used to walk in the public places in the night because he could not sleep; and when asked the reason, his answer was, that Miltiades's trophies kept him awake. Who has not heard how Demosthenes used to watch, who said that it gave him pain if any mechanic was up in a morning at his work before him?

Anxiety of Datis. Datis finds a stolen statue. Island of Delos. Account of the sacred island. Its present condition. Disposition of the army. Darius's reception of Datis. Subsequent history of Miltiades. His great popularity. Miltiades's influence at Athens. His ambitious designs. Island and city of Paros. Appearance of the modern town. Miltiades's proposition to the Athenians. They accept it.

Miltiades marches against Paros. Its resistance. Miltiades is discouraged. The captive priestess. Miltiades's interview with the priestess. Her instructions. Miltiades attempts to enter the temple of Ceres. He dislocates a limb. Miltiades returns to Athens. He is impeached. Miltiades is condemned. He dies of his wound. The fine paid. Proposed punishment of Timo. Timo saved by the Delphic oracle.

Almost all others who have spoken of the misdeeds of the people towards their generals, collect them all together, and tell us of the banishment of Themistocles, Miltiades's bonds, Pericles's fine, and the death of Paches in the judgment hall, who, upon receiving sentence, killed himself on the hustings, with many things of the like nature.

The tenacity of Miltiades's make-up was further shown by the difficulty Eph and Fisherman Jones had in separating him from his feathers that evening; and Aunt Tildy was so interested in the project of the heaven-born inventor to raise featherless turkeys that she forgot the yeast cake she had put to soak until it had been boiling merrily for some time.