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Lest the idea get abroad from the amount of time they spent in discussing the actions of the "wicked militants," that we had had something to do with the situation which had resulted in Democratic despair, Senator Thomas of Colorado, the one Democrat who had never been able to conceal his hostility to us for having reduced his majority in 1914, arose to pay a tribute to the conservative suffrage association of America.

After the decadence of the older type of the industrial union several conditions manifested themselves which now, in retrospect, appear to have encouraged the violent militants who call themselves the Industrial Workers of the World. First of all, there took place in Europe the rise of syndicalism with its adoption of sympathetic strikes as one of its methods.

national field, she sought out the new leader and urged her to begin at, once to organize the women's power for use in the approaching national elections. Those interested in the woman's movement are fairly familiar with Mrs. Belmont's early state suffrage work and her work with the militants in England, but they do not know as much about her national work.

"My word! that is a house!" cried Blaydes, stopping to survey it and get his townsman's breath, after the steep pitch of hill. "Not bad?" "Is it shown?" "Used to be. It has been shut lately for fear of the militants." "But they keep somebody in it?" "Yes in some room at the back. A keeper, and his three children. The wife's dead. Shall I go and see if he'll let us in? But he won't.

The solution that most appeals to me is the one embodied in the Dickinson Bill, that is to say, a measure conferring the vote on women householders and on the wives of married electors; and I believe that it is in that form that woman suffrage will eventually come in this country. How soon it will come depends very largely on how soon the militants come to their senses.

Black Moderates And Black Militants On the eve of the Revolution there was justification for assuming that slavery in the Northern states was withering away. By 1800 most of the Northern states had either done away with slavery or had made provision for its gradual abolition.

It is interesting to record that she defeated the first candidate for the New York Assembly ever campaigned against on this issue. She had associated herself with the Pankhursts in England and was the first suffrage leader here publicly to commend the tactics of the English militants. Through her, Mrs. Pankhurst made her first visits to America, where she found a sympathetic audience.

"Money Instead of Jeers Greet Marchers and Unique Protest Against Withholding Vote" . . . "Apply Torch to President's Words . . . Promise to Urge Passage of Amendment Not Definite Enough for Militants."

For by a moderate computation, after all the divisions and subdivisions of parishes, that, my lords, the bishops, have power to make by their new laws, there will, as soon as the present set of clergy go off, be raised an army of ecclesiastical militants, able enough for any kind of service, except that of the altar.

The anti-suffrage press believed that it would kill the movement and it was this belief which encouraged them to give it the widest possible publicity. The wilder and more extravagant the "militants" became the more they were quoted, described and advertised in every way.