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Updated: January 1, 2025
We will not decide which lot is the more enviable. But it seems a poet must choose. We have the high authority of Sancho for saying, "Para dar y tener Seso ha menester." He is a bright boy who can eat his cake and have it. In some incidents of the closing scenes of these memorable lives there is a curious parallelism.
I am below. He is above. He is gone. I remain. I shall hear his voice no more, nor his footstep. God, who had given us a little Paradise on earth, has taken it away. Gwynplaine, it is over. I shall never feel you near me again. Never! And his voice! I shall never hear his voice again. And she sang: "Es menester a cielos ir Deja, quiero, A tu negro Caparazon." "We must go to heaven.
Huuieron de menester subir mas de quarenta grados hazia el norte. Huuo desde el puerto do partieron, hasta esta isla, mil y sete cientas leguas. ¶Las otras tres naues dentro de cincuenta dias hallaron muchas islas, y aportarõ en algunas dellas, y passaron en cada vna dellas muchas cosas, que estan grande la relacion, que ocupa veynte pliegos de papel.
BRUNO. Si sé donde puse la llave, que me.... DOÑA MATILDE. Ya la encontrarás ... no se te olvide nada ... ¿lo entiendes? y yo me voy a lo que dije ... cuidado que es menester que una mujer tenga cabeza para atar tantos cabos.
"Es menester a cielos ir, Y tu que llorabas reir." And approaching him with the majesty of a star, she added, "Gebra barzon; Deja, monstruo, A tu negro Caparazon." And she put hot hand on his brow. Then another voice arose, deeper, and consequently still sweeter a voice broken and enwrapt with a gravity both tender and wild. It was the human chant responding to the chant of the stars.
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