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He and his best camel and its driver were gone, but all his people and servants and oont-wallahs were in the serai, and said they knew not where he was, but had received a hookum over-night to set out that day for Mekran Kot. And, catching up a pariah puppy, I re-entered the house and dropped one drop from the blue bottle into its eye.

So the Vizier sent Ibrahim to Kot Ghazi on business of investing moneys wrung by knavery, doubtless, from litigant suitors, candidates, criminals, and the poor of Mekran Kot.

Here, as in El Matra, you find Banyans from India, Beluchi from the Mekran coast, negroes from Zanzibar, Bedouin, Persians from the Gulf, and the town itself is even less Arab than Aden.

Or are we to suppose that the migration proceeded in one direction only that the Cushites, having occupied the country immediately to the south of Egypt, sent their colonies along the south coast of Arabia, whence they crept on into the Persian Gulf, occupying Chaldaea and Susiana, and thence spreading into Mekran, Kerman, and the regions bordering upon the Indus?

Most of these are Beluchi from the Mekran coast, and Africans from the neighbourhood of Zanzibar. The general appearance of these villages is highly picturesque, but squalid.

So my brother dwelt thenceforward in Mekran Kot, knowing many things, for he had passed a great imtahan at Bombay and won a sertifcut thereby, whereof the Jam Saheb was very pleased, for the son of the Vizier had also gone to a madresseh and won a sertifcut, and it was time the pride of the Vizier and his son were abated. School. Mohammedan High School. Clerk. Examination. Certificate.

Perhaps Iracagemi? Perhaps Kerman? Inexplicably corrupt. Timochaim and Arboresecco are inexplicable, perhaps from corrupt transcription. But Timochaim appears to nave been Mekran on the coast of the Indian sea, and perhaps reached to the Indus, as observed in a former note; and it may have included Sigistan. Jasdi is almost certainly Yezd in Fars.

On hearing this news, the Jam Saheb was exceeding wroth, for he had planned a good marriage for his son, and he arranged that the woman should die if my father, on whom be Peace, brought her to Mekran Kot.

Sulphur is found in Persia Proper, in Carmania, on the coast of Mekran, in Azerbijan, in the Elburz, on the Iranian plateau, in the vicinity of the Dead Sea, and in very large quantities near Mosul. Here it is quarried in great blocks, which are conveyed to considerable distances. Excellent stone for building purposes was obtainable in most parts of the Empire.

Called likewise; Kogatin, Gogatin, and Gogongin, in the different transcripts of these travels. From the circumstance of this kingdom of Argon being near Arbor Secco it would appear to have been one of the eight kingdoms of Persia mentioned in the sequel; and from the sea voyage, it probably was Mekran, which, reaches to the sea and the Indies, E.